"Sign Up For The Strategy Portal (Sales Mastermind for Coaches)"

THE A-Z (Ai-Driven) Sales Conversion System that Helps You Find, Conversate, Communicate, Connect and Convert "PRE-SOLD BUYERS" WHILE Automating 80% of the Tasks.



...while letting everyone else get caught up in endless cycles of chasing, posting, hoping, waiting, failing and feeling frustrated and overwhelmed and forever wondering "what's wrong with me?"

CLICK TO WATCH the best kept secret to automating your sales process

Hosted By: Himani Jane

Wait 60 seconds for this video to load... PUSH PLAY ABOVE!

I'd like to learn the most valued skillset of HOW TO PRE-SELL CLIENTS ON DEMAND (Every Single Time That I Launch)!

Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

Learn to Leverage 8-figure strategies and Smart AI to Close Coaching Clients In Just DAYS...Before They Slip Off Thru The Cracks!

You Have A Message The World Needs To Hear

Stop Waiting For Opportunities To Share It; Start Creating Them

I Had 2 Big Problems...

No money & small inactive unqualified audience!

It was 2021.  I had just launched my private 1-on-1 program, Launch Sales Accelerator for coaches doing Live Launches. I had made a few sales and my clients were getting incredible results: like an extra $100k a launch.

I knew I was really sitting on something.

The problem?

I couldn't figure out how to get my genius in front of more people!  I didn't have the money or the patience for paid ads and I didn't have the time to hunt down clients one at a time.

To make matters even worse, I saw myself spending way too much time on Facebook: waiting, hoping and praying for the darn algorithm to get eyeballs and engagement for the awesomeness we were putting out there.

Feeling 'consumed' with creating so much content just for engagement... was so not aligned with me.

I was losing time. I had to claim the #1 Industry Leader position as a Sales Queen. It seemed that all hope was lost until a crazy idea popped into my mind...

Build Smart Tech That Sells To More People

I was teaching sales systems that curate trust, long relationships and rapport fast so as to eliminate the "need" to CHASE or SELL.

And my big target goal was $1MM.

Now, here was my crazy idea:  Instead of knocking at each door one by one, and consume my life, why don't I just use smart ai-powered technology and automation to borrow 'ready' audience, to deliver 'existing' winning content that lets them qualify themselves (or not) hands-free & Convert Clients For $0 Upfront.

Do you know what the real high point was though?

That moment when I realized that this Powerful Tech Stack combined with my Sales Strategies could now be used by every passionate coach out there, no matter how far out they were in their journey, and set them up for Serving Way More, Creating a Way Larger Impact (FASTER THAN THOSE LIVE LAUNCH COACHES) while Buying Back their TIME!

It all seemed like a fairy tale coming alive and bringing me closer to my goal. Everyone needs sales afterall, right?

Unfortunately, the dream was still far-fetched since at that point, no one knew who I was.  So, I had to get creative.

A simple step-by-step process for "Soulful Selling" while having fun and while buying back your TIME.

I used my "One-Step" Method — which helps my audience walk on an "intentional" journey right at the gate, with the goal to turn them into my die hard fans 100% hands-free! Once they taste the experience of what it's actually like, they know that they cannot survive without this system!

I kept practicing this method over and over until it became a seamless step-by-step process, allowing me to onboard 100's and 1000's of passionate entrepreneurs to up their game without having to invest in super expensive or long duration sales coaching programs!

Today, I have not only come very close to my first goal of $1M in combined sales, I have also become an in-demand Summit Speaker and a sought-after JV Partner. Its easy for them to see how to continue to add value to their audience while monetizing faster.

On Speaker Panel with:

Melanie F

Expert Channel TV

Jay Lee

Sales Ninja

Jonel Van

Wealthy Wild Coaching

Wendy B

Micro Audio Summits

Lorna P

Financial Coach

Louisa H

Holistic Life Coach

Shawn Q

Biz + Strategy Coach

Jennie W

Summit Producer

Action Takers...

Enter a New World of Pre-Suasive Sales!

Here's why we love this selling model:

🏆 You can best demonstrate your expertise (in minutes to few days) without writing a long copy…or having to worry about long nurturing cycles!

🏆 Your conversaton open rates and testimonials blow up through the roof (which means you get paid more for doing way less).

🏆 You will be able to create a fun, memorable experience for your peeps, which is the best proven way to turn them into action-takers and repeat buyers.

🏆 You will “Declutter” noisy offers and extra pieces of unnecessary content, while working closely with a small group of "super-qualified" audience thus enhancing your ability to sell high ticket one-to-many.

🏆 You can now use the Automated Sales System to "find-qualify-nurture-convert" your audience literally in few strategic clicks.

🏆 You will now have the most advanced (yet stupidly simple) sales system that has 6 & 7 figure sales strategies built-in (so no more spending 10's of 1000s of $$$$ in learning those) and can be used by both you and your team members.

YES, I'm ready to FLIP my current 80% Effort and 20% Revenue Model to: 20% Effort - 80% Revenue. SWEET!

Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

Meet With the Top CEO & Watch what ShawnQ Has To Say!

Gregg Blaze, a SaaS Ai Developer and Super Affiliate (and a genius at that)

He gets 10% Response Rate in 10 minutes!!!!!!! What??

And there is lots more of course...


ShawnQ, The Legend Himself and a 8-fig High Ticket Sales Coach

Watch why ShawnQ, the King of Ai calls me the Queen of Organic Marketing and Automation... and what made him switch away from the world of ever so famous YunaPro (he loves the secret magic tools too) !!


The One-Step System

(For Passionate Coaches Ready To Serve More and Create a Larger Impact while Buying Back their TIME..)

Works Perfectly For 2 Types Of People

Have A "New" Offer

If you have a new or an untested offer and want to bypass making the same mistakes that other successful coaches did (without having to get on a hamsterwheel of trial and error), the One-Step System is perfect for you.

If you are clocking below $100k annual, you will see first hand how this beautiful 3-way system holds your hand to get you on the other side with ease.

Have An "Old" Offer

If you have an established offer, using the One-Step System will help you bypass the unreliability of paid traffic as well as Leadgen Experts while getting to access new, warm, "borrowed" audiences (for $0 upfront).

If you are looking to double or triple your existing revenue while buying back your TIME & SANITY, this beautiful 3-way system will not cease to amaze you.

If You Want Droves Of New Buyers & Happy Clients For $0 Upfront...

One-Step System Can Help You Get There Without The "NEED" to Post on Social media, or Chase or Sell ever Again.. No Gimmicks, No Overwhelm, Not Even A Huge Audience

...and it provides the kind of experience that makes the Sales For Your Group Program Suddenly Jump Up To 2x-3x. Every Single Quarter. On Repeat.

Set It and Forget It.

Here's the thing:

The best part about learning how to sign up Coaching Clients the One-Step way is that

your peeps are just as bought into your offer as you are.

And, catch this — I'll even show you how to always know what to say

at every step of the nurturing journey.

On top of that,

I'll show you how to structure creating a VIP experience for each one of your peeps

that leaves them feeling on top of the world,

inspired and your biggest die-hard fans!


and the follow-up system that will leave you richer — all while having a bunch of very, very happy customers.

The One-Step Flow

"Borrow" Warm Audiences, Nurture and Qualify (Hands-Free) & Convert Clients For $0 Upfront...While Buying Back Your TIME

Find Warm Audience

Avoid Bad, Find Good

Time invested in nurturing is precious. So we'll teach you how to find more "ready" audience on facebook rather than wasting resources on tire-kickers!

Get Their Attention

Cut Through The Noise

Next, we'll show you the eight surefire components to opening DM Convos, without feeling spammy or awkward! Building a rapport and connection is where its all at.

They Qualify Themselves

Make Your Shot Count

When you learn how to communicate your value with clarity, and the art of establishing yourself as a sought-after leader and expert in your niche, they got to either stay or leave!

Invisible Sales Funnel

Secure New Clients

Now it's time to Passively Nurture, Educate and Pitch your Offer! All inside Dm's. 1-on-1. 100% Hands-Free. We'll write the Invisible Sales Funnel Scripts for you - Done For You! You keep winning..

Pitch Offer

Convert The Fence Sitters

It all lies in the follow up. In the connection that you build or not. We'll show you how to use this One-Step System for any launch or masterclass, to repitch and get them in!

Collect Cash & Serve

It's Time To Pay Yourself

Finally, you pay yourself, indulge in self care and invest back in your business to continue growing and scaling while sipping margheritas on the beach! Thus making the entire process risk-free.

Claim the Success That You Deserve: Learn How To Build Systems That Help land Clients in 3-7 Days!

And Cement Yourself As A Go-To Coach In Your Niche!

Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

Client Love

What's Possible When You Follow Your Passion And Calling To Serve

Dr. Christine Manukyan, a Functional Medicine Biz Coach (Client of Kelly Roach!)

I wanted to Scale to a Million and above so that I could change and empower the lives of so many others, and all that I can say is that what Himani is doing is Genius!


Karen Ahuja, an Art Business Coach makes an extra $100k in just 8 Weeks!

(and slides into an easy 7 figures) !

I had the strategy from my high-ticket coaches to launch a 6 fig business but I didn't have the tactics built out to go to 7 figures!



The Bullet Proof Sales System

The complete One-Step System is made up of three powerful components that work together seamlessly and conclusively: the ✔️Sales Strategy, ✔️(DM) Scripts and ✔️Smart Automation, all sitting inside the Strategy Portal.

The 3 Essential Steps

The Sales Strategy maps out the sales closing milestones step-by-step.

The DM Scripts offer the perfect guideline to connecting, communicating and converting.

and Smart Automation is the implementor that actually gets the job done (hands-free) while removing VA headaches, overwhelm and inconsistent results...and while buying back your TIME!

This is how they work hand-in-hand to help you... nurture and qualify your new audiences for your offers using existing "winning" content and without spending a dime upfront on advertising.

✔️Part 1:  Sales Strategy

The Sales Conversion Strategy helps you map out the sales closing milestones or touchpoints, right from the time they get into your world until they become a paid client (from COLD to SOLD).

When you design this journey intentionally, the conversion becomes fast and easy.

Now you'll know exactly how to catch their attention, strengthen rapport, add value, and make them yours!

✔️Part 2:  The Scripts

The DM Scripts with the verbiage customized to your business and wrapped around the Sales Strategy, get you started with those crucial conversations from the get go.

They are the fastest and the most personalized way to build a deep rapport, get your peeps excited to know more and show up for exactly what it is that you intend for them to see!

When you get these high-conversion script frameworks Done For You by the Sales Queen herself, you are bound to become Unstoppable!

✔️Part 3: Smart Tech

Smart Technology automates the delivery of repeatable tasks for you, while buying back your TIME.

AUTOMATION of repeatable tasks is your sureshot path to highticket sales, that is designed to track and measure performances, get rid of the lows, boost the highs, and keeps your business skyrocketing.

Always know what to feed into the softwares to get best results.

Automate your Scripts (that already scream Strategy) to your heart's content!

Use Our No-Brainer Automated Sales System...and achieve Sales Breakthroughs in Days and Weeks...while completely bypassing the moodswings of both the Facebook Algorithm as well as those VA's!

No guess work. We show you everything!

Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

It is a LIVE 2 hours workshop on how to..... "Leverage" (Ai) Sales Systems To Automate & Streamline Up To 80% of Client Closing, Book 3-5 Sales Calls With Drooling Buyers Every Single Week...while Spending Way Less TIME!

Come Join us for this newage info and radical training that includes Q&A and much more!


LIVE 2-hour (minimum) Action Trainin'

Join Himani for a 2 hour hands-on training where we will go over the SMaRTEST Automated Sales System step-by-step, that streamlines your sales, removes noise, disqualifies freebie-seekers and non action-takers, while turnign the rest into your die-hard fans and hot droolling buyers!

Private 15-minute Coaching Session 

There are limited spots available for early sign-ups only. Double down on eliminating the gaps in your current sales process and start booking sales conversion calls the fastest.

Step by Step PDF Cheatsheet & ACTION GUIDE

Get access to a PDF shortcut guide to accompany the training. Follow the simple steps to book your next calls.

How ready are you to switch to the most radical of all times, the only Sales-Closing System that has Clients Selling Themselves to you...without all that chasing, burnout and frustration? (PARTY TIME)

P.S. There will be a lot of engagement, interaction and fun activities... so bring in your special journal to take lots of notes as well as your favorite SMILE!

Got Any Questions? DM Himani Here



The Complete Tactical One-Step System that helps Book 3-5 'Enrolment' Calls with Ready (Drooling) Buyers every time you launch your offer, while spending way Less TIME, removing overwhelm and celebrating your wins every step of the way!


Here's what's Included:

  • Get Instant Access To 12 Week Sales Program (Done With You): Including step by step video trainings with easy to follow action steps to help you launch a SOLID Client-Getting Process for the life of your business (Value = $11,111)

  • Module 1: The

    (Onboard and get all set with the 2 Tech Beasts and Build your First List of 5000 Warm Audience on day 1 already).

  • Module 2: The Structure

    (We will break open your business pieces, offers and lead magnets to then restructure and re-sequence them into a Brand New Ascension Model, in a way that they start talking to each other and get fully dialled in into the Sales Closing Process - you are now ready to roll out strategic pieces of promotional content).

  • Module 3: The Pipelines

    (We will map out 2 Pipelines along with their individual STAGES (Outreach Pipeline and Nurturing Pipeline) so that we can move our people easily through those into our Core Program easily).

  • Module 4: The Scripts

    (We will learn the DM Messaging Framework and fire out our FIRST Connection-Building Juicy DM using fun automation and also the Law of Assumption).

  • Module 5: The Automation

    (We now gear up and get organized for the next level (hands-free) Automation. The goal is to help you create a FLow that SAVES TIME going forward).

  • Module 6: The Invisible Sales Funnel

    (We will hand-pick minimum number of winner pieces of content that already exist, and that establish you as an Expert and a Credible Leader, while letting go of everything else! Ready to delete the "Pressure" to create content just for eyeballs, for good?)

  • Module 7: The Audience Growth

    (We will learn 3 sexy ways of finding new audience that is laser targeted, warm and more ready and aligned with what you do and what you have on offer, so that you can invest your Time in nurturing the right set of people! Excited?)

  • Module 8: The 11 Touchpoints

    (We will create an easy flow of connection points so that the rapport gets built instantly and the conversions are incidental, We will also leverage a bunch of Tech Features to make it even more fast and effective).

  • Module 9: The Nurturing

    (We will map out our most powerful Client Experiential Journey using a specific sequence of DM Scripts, so that they either raise their temperature up thru the roof, drop all the resistance (and turn into your hot fans) or disqualify themselves and drop off the grid! All of this in the first week itself. Hmmm!).

  • Module 10: The Transformation

    (How to STEP into your LEADERSHIP Role and take it one notch higher. Plus, walk away with "hidden" strategy to collect BEST-Performing Testimonials that sell your offers without you having to lift a finger even if you are new).

  • Module 11: The Objection Handling

    (How to leverage incoming Objections to turn them into easy Sales! This is literally the difference between an entrepreneur who is hustling and the one who goes into becoming an Inevitable Millionaire!)

Everything is step by step... (TACTICAL)

You only need to learn this skillset once & can forever land clients from this.

Loncen Gray: A case study of the best action-taker inside THE STRATEGY PORTAL

He more than made back his investment in the first month itself...

Push Play Below

PLUS You'll Also Get:

  • LIVE Coaching Calls with Himani: You will get a calendar link to download the bi-weekly group coaching/ laser hotseat/ Q&A calls to make sure that all your questions get answered and you got a fully done and dusted sales closing process mapped out for your coaching business, ready to fire and amp up your ROI, every single time you launch any of your offers (Value = $6,666)

  • Snag the Plug In Templates: a 46-Page Playbook, with Your 11 Missions and step by step instructions, templates, tools and prompts on how to achieve those missions like a true winner (Value = $2,222)

  • Key Resources to Keep You on Track, Find the leaks in your Business and Measure Your Wins: Goal-Setting Sheet, Daily Growth Tasks Tracker, Workshop Optimizer Checklist, DM Workflow Map Book, DM Log Book (Value = $3,333)

  • (Done For You) DM SCRIPTS-I : "Grab Attention" Outreach DM Scripts (up to 3 Scripts) to nudge you to experience Quick Wins (Value = $1,111)

  • (Done For You) DM SCRIPTS-II : "Client Experiential Journey" DM Sequence of FIVE for Passive Nurturing. This is where the money is! If you get this right, you become golden! 💰💰 (Value = $2,222)

  • The Fast-Track Nurturing Code that I teach my 1-on-1 clients to build raving connections with their Peeps inside DM's and always know what to say to them at every stage of the nurturing process without letting the opportunity slip through the cracks (How to have your DM's flooded with ready to buy clients!) (Value = $1,555)

  • Get on the Speed Lane of Learning the Smartest Tech Features: The video trainings hand-pick the top performing features within the Tech Tools, sometimes even a perfect cocktail of the both, and show you the exact settings to use to fire and achieve your Mission. (I recommend skipping going through the general tech training vaults). The goal is to help you switch over to the cash collection stage the fastest) (Value = $1,111)

  • Grab my Client Testimonial Framework to get raving reviews of what it was like to work with you and let those testimonials do the selling for you and bring in a couple extra coaching clients (worth tens of thousands of dollars!) literally FO FREE... without doing any extra work (aka passive income) (Value = $1,888)

  • Complimentary VIP Access Pass to Paid Workshops and Priority Access to those with Spots Capped (Value = $1,111)

  • Incredible Community: For Updates, Bonus Trainings, Feedback and Networking (Value = $1,888)

  • Ongoing Support: You can submit your homework and even post your questions as you go through the trainings, 24x7 inside the Highlevel community (Value = $2,222)

  • Badges and Gamification: Gamification tends to keep people motivated to take action. So we will surely leverage that to support you and send you reminder emails and certificates as you jump milestones! (Value = $1,888)

  • The Secret Sales Weapon that waves goodbye to freebie seekers and non-buyers (and kills those nasty objections even before they reach you!) (Value = $555)

  • The Power Questions that I ask inside DMs that help warm up, qualify, and close clients in DAYS "Without Selling" (Value = $1,111)

  • 9 Power Trainings (each one is like a mini Sales Masterclass) to grow audience fast and 100% hands-Free using Smart Tech! (Priceless)

  • BONUS: Go at your own pace + Enjoy 1 Year Access to The Strategy Portal training vault (and 12 weeks access to the community) (Priceless)

  • BONUS: So many additional bonuses, they won't even all fit in here! Ready to grab?

6 Exclusive B'Day Bonuses (5 Spots Only)

  • Get an exclusive Onboarding Call with Himani: on Monday, October 7th at 11:30am EST to help you audit your Core Offer plus get you started with the program the right way (Value = $1,111)

  • Get Complimentary access to all the awesomeness inside Quantum Queens: Weekly Sales Membership, where we share Client-Getting Strategies, one week at a time, on a Live Call with Himani. You can check out some of the offerings by tapping here (this is on the house for you with full pay option of The STrategy Portal Mastermind) (Value = $1,555) (Valid For Purchases Made on Oct 1st and 2nd)

  • GET 12 16 Weeks OF LIVE COACHING and COMMUNITY with Full Pay (1 mo. free (Value = $2,222)

  • Lock In the Grand Opening Discounted Investment at 46% OFF before the Prices Go Up (5 spots only)!

  • 1-on-1 Private Gameplan call With Himani (with Full Pay): This extra handholding and accountability is to doubly make sure that you are always on track and walk away with a 6 figure automated sales closing system that is 100% dialed in (Value = $2,222)

  • Get Exclusive 30-Day Trial Licenses: for both Social and Group Master (for new licenses only) (Valid until Open Cart)

👉 BONUS 01 : Lock in the Annual B'Day Special of 46% Discounted Investment (5 spots only)!

👉 BONUS 02 (Full Pay) : Complimentary Access To Quantum Queens, Weekly Sales Mastermind!

👉 BONUS 03 (Full Pay) : 1 extra month of Live Coaching and Community (3+1=4 months)

👉 BONUS 04 (Full Pay) : Private 60-min Gameplan Call With Himani

👉 BONUS 05 : Onboarding Call with Himani on Oct 7th (including Auditing your Core Offer)

👉 BONUS 06 : 30 Days Tech Licenses for $1 Only (until Open Cart)

Total Value: $44,444

Normal Price $5,555​

ONGOING B'DAY SPECIAL : $3,000 or $1111 x 3

(@46% SAVINGS for 5 spots only)

Long nurture sequences kill your business. It's time to say Goodbye to LONG Sales Cycles and all that complicated stuff that you do!!

Join the world where making an extra $100K or closing a handful of extra $10k clients every workshop becomes a norm.

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here


Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

This is what happens when you choose to work with a mentor who has spent years cracking the code to deliver insane results, that you are looking for, FAST

You get to leverage their high quality expertise and

duplicate their efficient process

So you get faster results

You get their undivided attention

in an intimate setting

So you could Match 6 Months Revenue in just 3 D A Y S!

Getting to spend 3 VIP days working together with me

could translate into getting results from a 6 month weekly calls program

It's a super premium service

and designed for action-takers

But it all starts with you.. and YOU can make it all happen!

The Best, the latest and the smartest strategies that will help you close coaching clients in DAYS (using Passive Nurturing Code that brings your Life back)...and without having to POST or CHASE or SELL EVER AGAIN.

"Borrow" Audiences, Nurture and Qualify (Hands-Free) & Convert Clients For $0 Upfront


The Tactical One-Step System That Lands You Clients Right at the Gate, While Letting You Enjoy Every bit Of Your Upcoming Launches and Conversion Events.


Enroll and Get

  • INSTANT Access to THE STRATEGY PORTAL Training Vault (along with the Full Resource Playbook)

  • INSTANT Access to client only community with bonus tips & strategies working right now + ability to have your questions answered M-F.

Choose Your Pricing Option!
No products available

Large Call to Action Headline

Claim 46% Off Today

And 6 Insane Bonuses!

What's Behind The Scenes of THE STRATEGY PORTAL

(Push Play For A Quick Sneak Peak 👇)

LIVE Client Shares from the second Group call inside THE STRATEGY PORTAL

(Push Play For A Quick Sneak Peak 👇)

 Are you Ready To Become TIME-FREE and MONEY-FREE while getting to serve millions out there waiting for you to show up!? GET IN NOW!

Hurry! This Crazy One-Time Special Bonus Expires after 5 Spots!

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

John Macharia, a Systems Coach

She is not a cookie-cutter coach. She is able to work with someone from their place at that point in time. I find that unusual.

I am driven by her passion.


Fe Lima, a Virtual Events Visibility Queen also working with Kelly Roach!

Himani implements what she talks about. She walks in with her knowledge of Sales and Live Launches. If you wanna learn how to exponentially maximize your profit, Himani is the go-to person. Everything that she shares is GOLD.


Sara Sheikh, a Business Growth Strategist (from the Inner Circle of Kelly Roach!)

I invested with Himani because this is the only way to Quadruple Your Business Revenue! It has worked for many of us... its a Proven process...


What Does The STRATEGY PORTAL Look Like?

IMAGINE laying your hands on a simple way to: Create a high-touch
"Know Like Trust you" formula that has Clients Selling Themselves to you...without the burnout, disappointment and rejection!

The complete One-Step System is made up of three powerful components that work together seamlessly and conclusively: the ✔️Sales Strategy, ✔️Scripts and ✔️Smart Automation, all sitting inside the Strategy Portal.

This is how these 3 work together, like a well-oiled machine, each gear ready to handhold you and guide you on a trajectory toward becoming an Inevitable Millionaire.

and finally, Smart Technology is the implementor that actually gets the job done while removing VA headaches, overwhelm and inconsistent results...Once you know what to say using the Reverse Engineered Sales Strategy built in, it automates Your Business while Buying back TIME!!

Includes Exclusive 30-Day** Trial Licenses for both Social Prospector and Group Master (to help you set up hands-free implementation). **only available for new licenses.

There is Gamification to add some fun and spice to your tasks and to help you keep going. As you finish posting your Homework for each task, you get to claim your badge for that module and you move on the next one. When you make it to the finish line, there is a BIG SURPRISE sitting for you to unveil.

While we'd like you to treat this as a fast launch 30-day Sprint Map for Group Sales, you can always go at your own pace. You also got lifetime access to this Strategy Portal so that you can come back to these tasks when your business has grown to the next level (It is advised to keep repeating these tasks for better clarity and confidence!).

There is Community to keep you accountable. You can see what other members are doing, learn from their homework and even share your feedback with them if you'd like!

Once you've reached a certain milestone, have fired the automations to get tangible results and some data points for us to work on together, you get to Book your 1-1 Sales Strategy Session with the Sales Queen herself.

The duration depends upon the package that you chose. This will not only help you find the blind spots in your sales closing process but also tweak and unclog as many sales pieces as you'd like and can handle. You can ask away all your Questions and let all the learnings anchor in deep! Think of every minute spent together as Important Life Lessons.

We want you to walk away with a Power Sales Close Funnel System for your coaching business which is ready to fire and amp up your ROI

Why work with me 1-1 ?

Because this is possibly the only way to uncap your Coaching Revenue effortlessly and at a rocket speed, while using proven sales closing systems, strategies and practices...while staying authentic and 100% congruent with who you are.

This is what happens when you choose to work with a mentor who has spent years cracking the code to deliver insane results, that you are looking for, FAST

You get to leverage their high quality expertise and

duplicate their efficient process

So you get faster results

You get their undivided attention

in an intimate setting

So you could literally revolutionize Your Sales Closing Game as soon as in ONE W E E K!

Getting on 1-on-1 calls with me

could translate into getting matching results from a 6-month long coaching program

It's a super premium service

and designed for action-takers

But it all starts with you.. and YOU can make it all happen!

The Best, the latest and the smartest strategies that will help you close coaching clients in DAYS (using Passive Nurturing Code that brings your Life back)...and without having to POST or CHASE or SELL EVER AGAIN.

Got Any Questions? DM Himani Here




(For Passionate Coaches Ready To Serve More and Create a Larger Impact while Buying Back their TIME..)

When Tech Genius gets dialed in into Sales Strategies taught by 8 & 9 figure coaches and is fuelled by the passion to lead, to serve and to create an impact in the world, this is what comes out...

Quick Sneak Peak Into The (hands-Free) Tech Tools (Watch Short Demo Videos here 👇)

Social The only tool that builds targeted audience lists faster and smarter than you can imagine (or even handle)...while buying back your TIME!

Group Master: The smartest tool on the internet today to leverage "Invisible Sales Funnel" nurturing and automate and monetize your Facebook Groups 100% hands-free!! (works like a charm for new and inactive groups too!) (No VA's needed).

 In case you are super curious to get more information on the Tech Tools (just in case), then go ahead and click below:



Learn how to..

Kill Those 'Nasty' Objections right at the gate

Have Fun Convos in DMs

Replace VA headaches with consistent payment dings

while Buying Back Your TIME!

while Buying Back Your TIME!

 Are You Ready To Replace 'Selling' And 'Chasing' Clients Magically With HANDS-FREE Nurturing In ONE SUPER SIMPLE STEP!?

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

Client Love

Christine Schombert, a Business Coach

You won't find another coach who doesn't watch the clock while answering your questions.

I had no idea what I was about to learn even existed!


Heather Smith Wylde, a Sales Coach

She is not afraid to tell you an uncomfortable truth.

I took one of the suggestions that she made in our 45-min strategy call and I saw the results within 24 hours!


Dom Brandon, a Fitness Coach

What absolutely swayed it for me was that Himani just had this incredible knack of showing up exactly every time I needed help.

And I thought, I want that marketing in my business!



Close Lab! Includes:

  • 3-Month Access to the Secret (Never talked about/always kept hidden) R.E.Q. System that ensures Growing of Sales Close Rate up to 85% in just one month for my 1-1 clients every single time...........................($2,500 Value)

  • Learn the foolproof way to kill Sales Objections even before your hot clients show up in the first Sales Call and turn those long “FREE Coaching Calls” into 15-Minute Cash Conversion ATM Machines! (this works like a charm) (Value = $2,500)

  • Install 3 Killer Checkpoints (aka 6-Figure Closer's Filter Formula) to qualify and allow only Superhot, YES People who are aligned and ready to take action to pass thru into your Sales Calls (and how you can apply it ASAP) (Value = $2,000)

  • Book a Complimentary Call with Himani in Zoom: Be ready to be called out on your blind spots while getting your questions answered, and hopefully walk away with aha's that can help you custom install the R.E.Q. system even more effectively in your biz! (you can choose between one 60-min or two 30-minute calls) (Value = $1,500)

  • Snag all Workbooks, Checklists, and Accountability Forms accompanying the R.E.Q. Videos to keep you on track and bring to the call with Himani (Value = $1,500)

  • The Exact Nurturing Code that I use to stay on top of 100s of prospects at once without letting the opportunity slip through the cracks and pack my sales calendar full of highly-qualified, die-hard fans (Value = $1,000)

  • BONUS: $100k Sales Accelerator Within 90 days - 16 Touchpoint Checklist for high-ticket group programs that is responsible for bringing in sales on steroids (Just implementing this entire checklist imperfectly will bring in massive shifts in your coaching business) (Priceless)

  • BONUS: My go-to tool for lead generation that helps me find a super-targeted audience in just 5 hours a week while bypassing the mood swings of Facebook, initiate a 1-1 conversation with the ones who qualify themselves as warm and falls perfectly in line with my sales closing process and automating my workflow(Priceless)

  • BONUS: My interview with Industry experts as a go-to Sales Closing Strategist where we dive into the nitty-gritty of sales strategies (the specific methods of creating a sales strategy) to close more clients with ease (Priceless for some)

  • BONUS: The #1 mistake the 99% of entrepreneurs make when it comes to selling online (it's totally NOT what you think!)

  • BONUS: So many additional bonuses, they won't even all fit in here! Ready to grab?

Total Value: $11,000


Only $888​

LAUNCHING SOON!!! Enroll Today to LOCK-IN Your Spot!

NOTE: Prices going up to $1,222 at Launch! Snag 'Close Lab' today & Save 27%!

You are the BADASS CEO of your Business... Let's help you amplify your reach, impact, and revenue!

Feel Free To Also DM Himani Here

3-Month Access to the Secret (Never talked about/always kept hidden) R.E.Q. System that ensures Growing of Sales Close Rate upto 85% in just one month for my 1-1 clients every single time...........................($2,500 Value)

Learn the foolproof way to kill Sales Objections even before your hot clients show up in the first Sales Call and turn those long “FREE Coaching Calls” into 15-Minute Cash Conversion ATM Machines! (this works like a charm) (Value = $2,500)

Install 3 Killer Checkpoints (aka 6-Figure Closer's Filter Formula) to qualify and allow only Superhot, YES People who are aligned and ready to take action to pass thru into your Sales Calls (and how you can apply it ASAP) (Value = $2,000)

Install 3 Killer Checkpoints (aka 6-Figure Closer's Filter Formula) to qualify and allow only Superhot, YES People who are aligned and ready to take action to pass thru into your Sales Calls (and how you can apply it ASAP) (Value = $2,000)

Book a Complimentary Call with Himani in Zoom to clear your doubts and get inputs on how to custom install and run your own R.E.Q. system even more effectively (you can choose between one 60-min or two 30-min calls) (Value = $1,500)

Snag all Workbooks, Checklists and Accountability Forms accompanying the R.E.Q. Videos to keep you on track and bring to the call with Himani (Value = $1,500)

The Exact Nurturing Code that I use to stay on top of 100s of prospects at once without letting the opportunity slip through the cracks and pack my sales calendar full with highly-qualified, die-hard fans (Value = $1,000)

BONUS: $100k Sales Accelerator Within 90 days - 16 Touchpoint Checklist for high-ticket group programs that is responsible for bringing in sales on steroids (Just implementing this entire checklist imperfectly will bring in massive shifts in your coaching business) (Priceless)

BONUS: My go-to tool for lead generation that helps me find super-targeted audience in just 5 hours a week while bypassing the moodswings of Facebook, initiate a 1-1 conversation with the ones who qualify themselves as warm and falls perfecty in line with my sales closing process and automating my workflow(Priceless)

BONUS: My interview with Industry experts as a go-to Sales Closing Strategist where we dive into the nitty-gritty of sales strategies (the specific methods of creating a sales strategy) to close more clients with ease (Priceless for some)

BONUS: The #1 mistake the 99% of entrepreneurs make when it comes to selling online (it's totally NOT what you think!)

BONUS: So many additional bonuses, they won't even all fit in here!

Ready to grab?

Total Value: $11,000


Only $888​

Enroll Today to LOCK-IN Your Spot!

NOTE: Prices going up to $1111 shortly! Snag Close Lab today & save 20%!

50 FB Group Questions To Ask To Get More Leads............................($97 Value)

NEW: 50+ Instagram Reel Ideas + Bonus Reels Training..............($97 Value)

NEW: Social Media Canva Templates (Super Easy To Edit!).......($97 Value)

NEW: 76 Profitable Name Ideas For Your Course or Program....($97 Value)

NEW: The Content Wheel: Never Run Out Of Ideas!..........................($97 Value)

NEW: The Content Wheel: Never Run Out Of Ideas!..........................($97 Value)

NEW: The Content Wheel: Never Run Out Of Ideas!..........................($97 Value)

NEW: Making Millions With Social Media Course................................($97 Value)

NEW: 12 Viral Facebook Group Promo Post Templates...................($97 Value)

NEW: Maria's Instagram Trainings Cheatsheet...................................($97 Value)

Total Value: $1843

Regular Price: $67

Today's Price: $17

Hi, I am Himani Jane!


"My job as a sales coach is to help you master the art of NEVER SELLING AGAIN. It all lies in creating a premium experiential journey for your peeps using the tactical sales pieces that bring in Quantum Jumps - a simple yet very powerful skillset that is often ignored by the Top Business Coaches in the industry".



  • Has supported over 500 Heart-Centric, High-Value Coaches selling High-Ticket Programs

  • Worked as the Head of Sales with Rachel S. Lee, a 2 CC Award Winner & a Dream Car Award winner for Clickfunnels

  • ​Learnt from the teachings of the best in the Industry - Kelly Roach, Melissa Ghrist Ricker, Landon & Stapes of Client & Community, Marley Jaxx and of course Rachel S Lee, to name a few

  • Up To 80% Close Rate from Sales calls

  • ​3% Conversion Rate for the coaching niche and up to 10% Conversion Rate for Service-Based Business Coaches

Are you getting SOME results but NOT the kind of crazy results that you actually want? Then LESSGO!!

Its time to learn the most valuable skillset: How to build connections that convert.

(Side Note: helps in every area of your life)

To Discover Which (Ai) Sales System is The Best For Your Business, Book Your Client Activator Call here

Got Any Questions? DM Himani Here

In Gratitude For My Mentors

Master Sri A

Spiritual + Speaking Coach

Rachel S Lee

Kelly Roach

Founder of 5-Day Launches

Dino Gomez

7 figure Visionary Coach

Clients & Community

Landon and Stapes

Marley Jaxx

Disruptive Content Strategist

My Mentor Rachel S. Lee, a 2 Comma Club Award Winner and a Dream Car Winner Says:

Rachel S. Lee, a Business Coach and my Mentor taught me everything SALES!

Himani has been trained in High-Ticket Sales by me. She got the highest conversion rate for all the launches for my group program IMPACT and added tens of thousands of dollars for us.

I highly recommend her both as a Sales Closer Trainer as well as a Sales Closing Coach.


Systems | Scripts | SOPs

DISCLAIMER: This Event/ Program will give you actionable steps to closing more clients for your online coaching programs. However, the results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. And a program may be offered for purchase at the end of the event.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™ Inc. or Meta. 


Copyright © 2024 • HIMANI JANE | SOULFUL SALES COACHING LLC • All Rights Reserved